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Friday, October 1, 2010

Aloha Oe Youtube Song Choice....... goodbye to September Hello October

Lyrics to ENTIRE SONG (popularized version only uses the Chorus)

Ha`aheo ka ua i nâ pali
Ke nihi a`ela i ka nahele
E hahai (uhai) ana paha i ka liko
Pua `âhihi lehua o uka

Aloha `oe, aloha `oe
E ke onaona noho i ka lipo
One fond embrace,
A ho`i a`e au
Until we meet again

`O ka hali`a aloha i hiki mai
Ke hone a`e nei i
Ku`u manawa
`O `oe nô ka`u ipo aloha
A loko e hana nei

Maopopo ku`u `ike i ka nani
Nâ pua rose o Maunawili
I laila hia`ia nâ manu
Miki`ala i ka nani o ka lipo


Proudly swept the rain by the cliffs
As it glided through the trees
Still following ever the bud
The `ahihi lehua of the vale
Farewell to you, farewell to you
The charming one who dwells in the shaded bowers
One fond embrace,
'Ere I depart
Until we meet again

Sweet memories come back to me
Bringing fresh remembrances
Of the past
Dearest one, yes, you are mine own
From you, true love shall never depart

I have seen and watched your loveliness
The sweet rose of Maunawili
And 'tis there the birds of love dwell
And sip the honey from your lips

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

SPACE Tourism.....2015? I see the future!

From NYT:

Boeing said Wednesday that it was entering the space tourism business, an announcement that could bolster the Obama administration’s efforts to transform the National Aeronautics and Space Administration into an agency that focuses less on building rockets and more on nurturing a commercial space industry.

The flights, which could begin as early as 2015, would most likely launch from Cape Canaveral in Florida to the International Space Station. The Obama administration has proposed turning over to private companies the business of taking NASA astronauts to orbit, and Boeing and Bigelow Aerospace of Las Vegas won an $18 million contract this year for preliminary development and testing of a capsule that could carry seven passengers.

Current NASA plans call for four space station crew members to go up at a time, which would leave up to three seats available for space tourists. The flights would be the first to give nonprofessional astronauts the chance to go into orbit aboard a spacecraft launched from the United States. Seven earlier space tourists have made visits to the space station, riding in Russian Soyuz capsules.

“We’re ready now to start talking to prospective customers,” said Eric C. Anderson, co-founder and chairman of Space Adventures, the space tourism company based in Virginia that would market the seats for the full article here.

I cannot believe my eyes. I am so glad to finally read about Progress in Space and Aeronautics. When I was very young and living in the Big Island, HAWAII I remember my fascination in Space and the stars that sparkled in it. I would sit on my driveway at night looking to the sky and waiting to see a falling star or trying to catch a cloud. In a world where I talk so much about nonsense and chatter away, when I look to the sky, it is the only thing I know that silences me. I can stare at it for hours without a thought, just taking it all in.

The Challenger flight that took the lives of Michael Smith, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Christa McAuliffe, Gregory Jarvis, and Judith Resnik was devastating. I was in elementary school and remember how sad we all were. The Astronaut Ellison Onizuka was from Hawaii and his nephew Lonn Onizuka was a student in my class.

With this new announcement, I find myself viewing a future that is promising to my children. I see the awe in the sky and dreams my children will see in science and astronomy. I have seen the space program become less important to those that hand out the $$$$ and have seen where we could have been, but couldn't without the right funding. So Congratulations to the future that will allow more dreams of space exploration become reality!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

I am inclined to say something....

I am inclined to say something, that may make some of you disagree with me....even be mad at me.....or dare I say HATE ME! I am aware that there are those out there that have been personally affected in the first and second degree by 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan, but before I say anything controversial wanted to address that I am so proud of our men and women that fight for our country and of all the sacrifices of the families, friends and even those caught in the crossfire.
Here it is....
It is hard for me to say out loud the words, "I am proud to be an american"....even though I am really proud to be an American. I am glad my children were born in this great country, although they have lived only with this war going on longer than they have been alive.

I am saddened by the misdirection of hate, the strong belief that the 5 "known" attackers on the twin towers, the pentagon and the flights that carried out the master plan somehow represent the entire nation of the religion they have faith in.

I KNOW that every religion has it's extremist followers that will do ANYTHING to prove their faith, that when they are guided to believe an evil deed will deliver them grand rewards.......does not mean that all followers are of that same guidance.

The hatred directed at the Muslim Religion and it's Mosques, puts us on the path of those same extremists that carried out the terrible plan in 2001.

I wish that on this day we remember that all those beautiful people who have given themselves on a day they did not expect will represent not the war that followed their end, but that they represent the begining of the time of peace between many people of all sorts. That we remember that this country has come to be as great as it is through tolerance, INclusion, acceptance and faith of all sorts.

I hope I do not offend any of you with my words. I just wanted to get this off my chest.


By the way, I am adding a link to my new blog which is children's book readings. I needed to test the link so I am doing it here.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Book Reading Video by Me for my little ones!

My first Video Book reading for my kids. If you happen to watch this, let me know what you think. I am gonna try and make more of them for my kids and my niece. Editing was interesting and fun! I used my voice note from my Blackberry and converted the file to an .amr with a freestar conversion software. It was pretty fun! I have a few voice notes I want to convert to a useable audio program for my movie maker program that came with my HP. Enjoy!

Friday, September 3, 2010

First Day at School

Today was Kai's very first day of school(Preschool), actually she is still there as I write this. As they say, it is much more difficult for the parents than it is for the child.
The walk to school was great as Kai got to meet the Lovely Ms. F who is her crossing guard from E street and A Ave. Next we walked into the doorway of the school and she got to say hello to all the other children as well as have some picture time with mama, papa, and little Vi. When Kai saw her Assistant Teacher, Ms. B she was excited and said "I get to eat here!".....yes, she is my child. (We told her how the school would feed her breakfast and Lunch.) Off to class at 8:15 and we got to see her Locker with her name on it (It is a big locker for such small children, I have no idea what we will put in it.) Entering the classroom we put her pillow and blanket into her cubby for the resting time they will have daily. Next Kai went over to the carpet to meet her teacher, Mrs. W who sent kai to get a book and wait for circle time. This is when Kai let Mrs. W know about the rules and how she remembered them. "1. Crisscross Applesauce 2. Hands on Knees 3. Eyes on Teacher." I had to hold back the tears as I slowly backed out of the class.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

3 poems

Wanted to share 3 poems that are some of my favorites,
I also have a favorite from college that I shall not share
here, as it is dark and sad. it is called The Girl, by Sharon Olds.
Look it up if you would like, but it is not for all. It is a graphic
depiction of two young girls being raped. This is NOT why I like
it. I like it because it is a graphic look into a event I have feared
my whole life. It tells of strength of survival and in the end is
more about life than death. I would be lying if I did not say that it
took me several times to read the entire poem in school. Shock,
bewilderment and than a final desensitization and I could
than understand it. I have never forgotten it, and because of
that, it is the most powerful poem I have ever read.
I admire Olds for her poetry and her strength of character.
When invited to a dinner by Laura Bush she sent a letter declining
to attend:
So many Americans who had felt pride in our country now feel anguish and
shame, for the current regime of blood, wounds and fire. I thought of the clean
linens at your table, the shining knives and the flames of the candles,
and I could not stomach it.

Below are 3 tame poems I have also admired.

Something these poems all share are the imagery that I feel,
the emotion that it brings out on me. It reflects the fears,
and joys in life and makes you think. I believe a good piece of writing
will always make you think.

i carry your heart with me

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

Edward Estlin Cummings

The Old Astronomer to His Pupil

Tycho Brahe

Reach me down my Tycho Brahe, I would know him when we meet,
When I share my later science, sitting humbly at his feet;
He may know the law of all things, yet be ignorant of how
We are working to completion, working on from then to now.

Pray remember that I leave you all my theory complete,
Lacking only certain data for your adding, as is meet,
And remember men will scorn it, 'tis original and true,
And the obliquy of newness may fall bitterly on you.

But, my pupil, as my pupil you have learned the worth of scorn,
You have laughed with me at pity, we have joyed to be forlorn,
What for us are all distractions of men's fellowship and smiles;
What for us the Goddess Pleasure with her meretricious smiles.

You may tell that German College that their honor comes too late,
But they must not waste repentance on the grizzly savant's fate.
Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light;
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.

Sarah Williams

O Captain! My Captain!
by Walt Whitman


APTAIN! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
But O heart! heart! heart! 5
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.


O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills; 10
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head;
It is some dream that on the deck, 15
You’ve fallen cold and dead.


My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won; 20
Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Me, today

I've been selfish. I haven't taken anything from anyone, but I haven't given anything either. I have realized that I haven't been reading as many blogs as I used to. Or I read blogs and don't leave a comment. Today I remembered how I used to do daily check ins with SITS (the secret is in the sauce). I remember enjoying a world of blogging with fantastic bloggy buddies like Martha or my sister The Rambler.

These days my hours consist of the kids, and a lot of crafting. I look online at pictures of different finished crafts for inspirations on projects I would like to take on. Last week I saw some great quilts of houses, and it made me want to make one.....start with something easy and then to do one that is more complex that resembles the city I live in or my own home. I am making a few gifts for upcoming birthdays, weddings and doing some caterings too. Life is busy in a way that I have little to write down, that feels relevant. Most of my thoughts are so serious.

I have been doing crazy research on Alzheimer's because it runs in my family and also because some family on c's side are dealing with it daily. It scares me because it is deep in my family history and I hope that this does not pass to my mother, me or my daughters. It seems to run with the women in my family. The research they just put out there this week is that they pulled some innovating drugs that were meant to help with the disease when the findings showed they actually worsened the symptoms of degeneration. After about 3 hours of research, I feel I know more about the disease than I ever thought I would. This past year UC Irvine recieved a large grant to research the disease using Stem Cell research. In 2004 Alzheimer's Association put out a pdf memo/statement stating that they did not feel stem cell research was a viable option. They declined to go in that direction. I am optimistic that they will find a cure and that the benefits will lead us to understanding better the brain, the body and how we build and retain memory. I just hope that we, or they who are involved in genetics, research, science don't leave a stone unturned.

Our brains are like computers and I feel like we have so much storage space. once the limit is reached we experience Errors, shutdowns, and the dreaded CRASH. We are not so different from the tools we have developed.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Make your own lint roller....when in a bind.

I found myself with out time to go to the store and get a lint roller, yet for work I had to wear all black. YIKES! I did research on the internet and they had many suggestions for tape, and razors. However, I hate using small pieces of tape and putting it on my fingers for what seems like the amount of time it would take to go to the store and buy a roller.

This is the new way to do it! does involve tape. sorry.

but you wrap it around a rolling pin! you can wrap it as wide as you need to and roll it across the whole out fit!

Yup! Thats it for my Martha Stewart moment.....I couldn't keep my mouth shut about this one. Try it sometime.....and it doesn't take a lot of tape.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Opinions requested....

What do you think? Is this an appropriate wedding shower gift?

there are two wedding showers in the up coming month.

There is a napkin set of 4 I made with a keepsake boxes I made in a matching fabric and a silver fork re-purposed into some jewelry (it is the first one I made like these). I crocheted a chain for them and added some beads. I think they are pretty cool, but that's my taste.....what do you think? appropriate for a wedding shower?

Here is the other one:

Friday, July 23, 2010

Old Silver reclaimed

I have been considering the beauty of simple everyday objects like silverware! I went to the thrift store today and was able to acquire a mixed bag full of silver plated early 1900 spoons, forks, knives as well as some unique picks, ladles, & slotted spoons. I was able to get some of the silver plated stuff from the .25 cent bin. My idea was to attempt to turn some of it into jewelry, while there is a part of me that feels like they are so beautiful as they are. I made them my models in a photo shoot. I will have to practice with some stainless steel pieces first and see the difficulty level of bending metals. I have realized in my early attempts at metal stamping that it is not as easy as it first seems.

There are how-to tutorials online that show you how to do this. and I would especially love to turn this:
Into a beautiful pendant. I have looked this up, and apparently it is a 1940's Bon Bon Spoon Made by Oneida in their Community Collection. ( I have been researching all day and know WAY more about silver sets.). If you have any tips or comments about collecting silverware let me know what you think. I love comments.


Monday, July 19, 2010

From Blue Star to Gold Star and what it really means

I was speaking to my neighbor and friend regarding the article posted in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette on July 11, 2010 by her sister Kathy. Please take the time to read it. Last year her son died while serving in Afghanistan and I wrote a post about that here.

On July 3 I had the honor of representing the Gold Star Mothers in the Brentwood Fourth of July Parade.

As we were en route with the parade, we made numerous stops along the way waiting for others to catch up in the parade. While our car was stopped at one point, a young mother pointed at our car and made the comment "That's the club where I belong," as though it were a "super mom club" or something.

At that point I thought to myself, she had no idea what she had just said. Did she know what a Gold Star Mother was? As we continued on the parade route, the only people in the crowd who saluted us or cheered for us were those who were from the World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War era. The younger people had no idea what we represented.

Granted, until my son joined the Marines eight years ago, I too had no idea what a Blue Star Mother or a Gold Star Mother was. Blue Star Mothers have or have had children serving our nation in the military; Gold Star Mothers have lost a son or daughter in the service of the country. Unfortunately, I learned what it was like to become a Gold Star Mother on July 23, 2009, when my son, Sgt. Ryan H. Lane, USMC, was killed in action while serving in Afghanistan.

I would like people to know that for every soldier who is killed in war, he or she is someone's son, daughter, husband, wife, brother or sister. People today need to be educated on the cost of their freedom -- the freedom they have to sit and watch a parade go by.

As for the woman who wanted to be in my "club," I would gladly trade places with her.

Baldwin Borough

What this article and this family has taught me is about the families we take for granted. How we may show support and thanks but not really educate ourselves or our youngest generation WHO we are supporting. We say we show thanks to the family of all those serving, but do we know that this is a BLUE STAR family? We say we show our sympathies to those who have lost family while serving, but do we know this is a GOLD STAR family? I know that I never realized who they were and what one meant from the other and how when someone from these clubs asks for our support, they are asking on behalf of those that have sacrificed much and continue to sacrifice every day.

Dear Kathy,

I still want to say how much I really do appreciate you, and your family for teaching me HOW to really SEE the war. Before Ryan I never knew. I never knew what it really meant for someone to serve. I also want to say how much I wish I could take away the loss and the grief. I would give much to take that away for you. Bless you and the many families that stand beside you in your experience.

Love and Aloha,


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Affinity for all things Hayao Miyazaki

I have been a fan of the Hayao Miyazaki films, like Princess Mononoke, Totoro, Kiki's Delivery service, Spirited away. I am starting to bridge the gap between the things in life I enjoy. For instance my love of crafting and my love of the characters from the animation film. Is it wrong to be wasteful with my time like that?

here is the newest craft project I have done. A little twist on an old favorite, using applique and sewable bond. This is the forest spirits in the Princess Mononoke Anime.

Next up: Totoro and the little fuzzy sout spirits from Spirited away.

Peace Out.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Lost Lady Bug Project......

The Lost Lady Bug Project is now in its 3rd year and they have just put out their first annual newsletter. This is a great campaign of science trying to find the lost lady bugs out in the world and classify them and figure out which ones are becoming extinct or being pushed out of their natural habitats. or which ones are doing just fine where they belong. Check the page out!

Its a fun project for the kids! All you need to do is photograph your local ladybugs where-ever they may be; on a leaf, a shoulder, or in the hand of your little munchkin.....better yet, let your little one capture the photograph for you. You can go in groups on a day hike or just on your lonesome for a leisurely stroll through your neighborhood. The point is to get that picture and download it for science sake! They will tell you what your lady bug species is and you might even get your picture featured on the site! (no promises.) All they ask is where your location is and the time and date and year. Voila! Done!

There is an entire page devoted to the kids and how to find the bugs. so have a great summer and happy fourth of July! Hoorah for independence!

Sunday, June 27, 2010 back soon.

Wish me luck! I've been crafting and am about to do my first craft fair. I did some posters of my kids for the booth wearing the wrap tops I am making for the craft fair. Check it out:

The cost for the booth was low, and C's mom is an organizer so I know and trust the people running the fair. It has a good turn out each year. I don't know that I will want to do this again, but I need to get it out of my system. I made things that if it doesn't sell than either my kids can use it, or I can gift them to my family and friends kids.

Be back after the 4th of July weekend. Enjoy your Independence!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

From a Crank Call

The First Call:

It was late on Thursday evening and I received a call from an unknown caller. I let it go, but listened soon after to the voice mail left behind. The initial shock value is actually quite ridiculous and goes from "no way" to "OMG, is this really happening to me?" , "is this a joke?", "Do I know this person?", "Does this person know me?". I thought the call would be a one time thing but after about 6 voice mails(all sex related) and 5 texts (two trying to get my name and information, 3 asking me about my underwear over and over within 5 minutes) in just this weekend. I realized things were/are getting out of hand. The calls are about 3 minutes long and in the call the caller breathes heavily while committing a sexual act upon himself. The follow up text was with a phone number that was listed, (my paranoia prevents me from posting it here, for fear the person will do a search on their own number and find my blog, and begin harassing me here!)

What I have done:
I have searched the internet to see if this number is calling others, listed as a business number or to find any information about the number. What I do know is that the call number resides in the area I am in, and that it is a Cricket number. What I still don't know is who this is.

The Police:
I take my information to the police station. I had a lovely conversation with an officer behind a glass wall who pretty much told me they could not do anything for me without physical harm being in placed upon me. If I knew who it was and if it is an ex then I could file a PFA (Protection From Abuse order). What I have found out since this interaction with the police is that the State of Pennsylvania has a Cyberstalking law that states:

Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes § 5504 —- Harassment by communication or address:

(A) A person commits the crime of harassment by communication or address when, with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another, that person:

(1) Communicates to or about such other person any lewd, lascivious, threatening or obscene words, language, drawings or caricatures; or

(2) Communicates repeatedly in an anonymous manner;

(3) Communicates repeatedly at extremely inconvenient hours;

(4) Communicates repeatedly in a manner not covered by paragraph (2) or (3).

(F) Definitions: "Communicates." Conveys, without intent of legitimate communication or address, by written or electronic means, including telephone, electronic mail, Internet, facsimile, telex and similar transmission.

If this continues, I will have to take this back to the Police with my new knowledge of Cyberlaws as this communication on my mobile phone constitutes Cyberstalking.

The Phone Company:
I called my mobile provider and they placed a block with the known number which should stop the text messages, unless the person switches numbers or phones. This will not stop the caller from leaving me voice mails, though. I looked into having all unknown numbers blocked to my number and this can be done (for a nominal fee: sucks!) The suggestion though was to change my number (which is the direction I am leaning). The phone company cannot give you the name of the number that is harassing you (privacy laws!) BTW: I think it bites that the harasser is protected under a law they are currently breaking! I will have to contact CRICKET to see what they can do since the number is a CRICKET number.

No Call Lists: I put myself on the National Do Not Call registry and filed a complaint with this number in the event it belongs to a business then they can discuss a halt on this action to myself or others and possibly institute a fine.

I have saved the voice mails and text messages and am looking into having the messages recorded as evidence in the event this is from someone who is a future danger to me.

Beyond this horror I don't understand why someone is compelled to perform this type of act of harassment. What is the draw to me or is this a random act. Where did the person receive my number from? was it written on a wall somewhere? I also have a similar number to a popular local pizza joint and wonder if the caller accidentally called me while dialing them and that is the coincidence or initial cause. I DO NOT KNOW. The not knowing is the most frustrating part of the whole ordeal. I am in the early stages and do not want to agitate the caller as I do not know how much of my personal information this person has. From this point forward I will have to be more careful of all my personal info.

I wish this upon no one, for the feelings of insecurity it leaves is terribly unpleasant.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Go Hawaii!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation

I was web surfing today and found myself reading the Pepsi REFRESH project page. This started as an idea to put charitable funds into the hands of the people who drink pepsi and to give those people the power to vote on recipients of large dollar gift. The idea is genius! One such recipient of $250,000 was awarded to someone here in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania (Erie, PA) based Foundation is Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation. John Kanzius, the Founder of the invention that uses Radio Wave technology combined with nano particles to attack cancer cells without use of surgery, chemotherapy, Radiation, and other invasive techniques and medication. Watch the video below to see the full explanation yourself.
With Cancer being something that has effected my family closely I am awed by the innovations that are currently being investigated. While the Radio Wave project is in its early process the preliminary findings are promising. The more we allow ourselves to support these projects to the degree that they can become fully funded the more we can eliminate the diseases that we are passionate about. I am hopeful about this research. I am hopeful that since the family medical history I have also gives a higher risk to my children I want them to find choices and options out there that do not leave one feeling defeated before starting to fight.

If you find yourself wanting to gift a donation, donate in memory of or to leave a general donation you can do so here.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Deep Fried Ice Cream! Yummy!

Today I decided I would attempt to make some deep fried Ice Cream! It is a bit of a heat wave (wave because it is 5 whole days without rain with temps in the high 80's! Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all of you and I hope that you are able to make this hot yet cool treat!

Scoop of Ice Cream (preferable a vanilla, french vanilla variation)
Mixture of Cinnamon and Sugar (equal parts) in bowl
1/2 to 1 cup of crushed corn flakes (variations use cookies or other crushed treats)
Oil in pot deep enough to submerge ice cream or Deep Fryer

Scoop your Ice Cream and Roll in the Cinnamon Sugar then roll in the crushed corn flakes (make sure the ice cream is coated thoroughly (no ice cream showing) then put back in freezer to harden. Heat Oil to around 375 degrees. or Medium-low Heat (not too hot). Dip Ice Cream in Oil for about 5 seconds, Drain and Place in Bowl to begin eating! Top with Whip Cream or Honey or Chocolate or Caramel if desired! Enjoy this Recipe! The cold core of the Ice cream keeps it from melting as you fry it.

Warning! Make sure the Ice cream is coated thoroughly and that you have the ice cream re-freezed to drop the core temperature. This is important as to keep the oil from reacting to the cold ice cream and causing flames. I just wanted to make sure this was mentioned. Be really cautious anytime you fry anything. In the event of flames keep a large lid nearby and make sure you do not have anything flamable next to the stove.

There are variations that include egg. I for one like to keep my eggs and Ice Cream separate.

Thanks for reading!

The picture above is borrowed from another site, since my camera is missing (yikes!), but the image is about the same.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I was reading the book "Limu the Blue Turtle" By Kimo Armitage and Illustrated by Scott Kaneshiro. It is a cute Hawaiian story about being different and finding your way in spite of those differences. One of the Illustrations reminded me of my sisters...It is of Nani and Lani who are O'pihi friends of The Blue Turtle.

Cute, yeah?!


My Idea is to take a bunch of my favorites illustrations from the kid's books and have them framed for the house....=)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Jordan Romero.....

Jordan Romero has just become the youngest climber to reach the summit of Mt Everest! Wow! Of course there are controversies to this attempt (and now it's success). The controversy being that Jordan is only 13. He is on a journey to do the seven continents and it's tallest mountain with a team that includes his father. I first read about this on NY times here. NYTimes also just mentioned this morning that Jordan has reached the top and is now on his way down here. You can follow Jordan Romero's journey here.

What do you think?

I think that again it depends on his height, weight (5'10- 160 lbs) and prior training. If he hadn't already scaled 6 other mountain peaks on six of the seven continents, such as Kilimanjaro, Kosciuszko, Elbrus, Aconcagua, Denali, and Carstensz Pyramid, then I might find the task a little absurd.

In the end I envy the young man and am proud of his accomplishments. In the end he is part of an elite group of around 200 who have made it to the top including his father, how many of us can say that!?

Jordan's Climbs:

Africa- Kilimanjaro – July 22, 2006

Australia- Kosciuszko – April, 2007

Europe/Russia- Elbrus – July 11, 2007

South America- Aconcagua – December 30, 2007

North America- Denali – June 18, 2008

Oceana- Carstensz Pyramid – September 1, 2009

Asia- Mt. Everest - May 21, 2010

NYT: California's 3 strike law in question....

After being a California Resident for 7 years I have had nightmares of this law putting someone I knew or loved behind bars for a lengthy amount of time for silly misdemeanors. I feel there should be some room for interpretation to the law and an allowance for review from case to case and type of crime. Instead of 3 strikes make it a repeat offender law. I knew people who were addicted to drugs when I worked in the restaurant industry and this is the group that worries me. People who are addicted don't have a sensible thoughts about what the law is or how many strikes they might have. I don't actually know anyone arrested in California.....but what if it was someone you knew? It seems that the law is made by people towards individuals they know nothing about. Its okay if you put Jane Doe in prison for life, because you don't know her. There is a sense that this may fall under "cruel and unusual punishment". What's your thoughts on this law?


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nasty Dancing.....a scared moms tale....

I was privy to work a catering assignment for a 18th Birthday Party Last night. The Party was for a group of 250-300 High School Seniors and a few older teens. To our knowledge most or all of them were 18 and over......(not really sure about that). The party took place in a world famous Museum that I will not name here. To the parent of the Birthday girl I believed they had a vision of how this would go and that mark was missed in so many ways.

*****Disclaimer: Adult Content is listed below******* Please only read if you are 18+ *****

The first amazement and dare I show my age and say it: "SHOCK" I had was that this group of young adults were wearing "barely there" "clubbing" clothing on.

When I say barely there, I am talking 40% of the body is covered and not in the places it should. One girl had a string bikini with a skirt on and another had a dress with a zipper the full length of the front of the dress and had it unzipped so her bra was partially exposed....and on and on.

The next shock to my system was the immediate realization that they were sneaking sums of alcohol into the location and we were working with the security and the staff of the space to confiscate the contraband in record time while still trying to facilitate our own assignments.

The most Shocking was the fact that upon arrival many of the youth were already really messed up, I am talking drunk, high, and on hard substances. The level of danger associated with this party just kept getting more and more disturbing.

The Club music that began to play with the live D.J. had the kids locate to the dance floor. (By the way, at this age kids tend to stay in "Schools" like fish.) They were all on the dance floor or all at the beverage station.....and then a few would try to sneak off to do "bad" things. The parents chaperoning the event shocked the staff as they turned a blind eye to much of the goings ons until the evening was almost over! Back to the Dancing....

I came around the corner to collect glasses and saw a flash of skin in the corner of my eye.....a young man had is hands wrapped around the hips of a young girl who was grinding her back side into the front side of the young male as he continued to lift her dress up so I could see her underwear. This was a common occurrence in the large group of dancers, some with a much higher degree of violation. I felt like there was a car accident I was witnessing in slow motion only the two parties who knew they would crash had no clue as to the degree of damage that might be done nor did they care. They were 18 and my job was with the food not the security. I wanted to go over there so badly and take them by the ear to a chair and lecture them on discreet behavior! And I am only 32!

I passed through a group of boys 2 of which were telling a 3rd that one of the girls said she would "nasty dance" with him. So they went over to her and she did. The girls weren't doing this dancing style with one guy they would shift from dancer to dancer not having any respect for themselves or realization that they were in view of so many others that could see this lack of respect upon their own parents, the establishment (which has a high reputation), and each other.

As the night drew to an end there were many that were escorted to the safety of their parents(who were called) throughout the night as they were kicked out for intoxication or illegal behavior. Then to the final shut down with a couple of kids becoming agitated that the booty shaking came to an end so quickly that they KICKED OUT THE FRONT GLASS DOORS TO THE MUSEUM!!!! I wouldn't be surprised if the damage makes the morning news! Yikes! The mother is mortified by the behavior and could not wait to get out of there. I believe she is in the "art community" and will have her dirty dance party blasted through out the rumor mill for months to come.

I am most disgusted by the lack of planning that went on by the parental groups and the lack of monitoring that happened early on. Much of the behavior could have been managed had the people who were in charge made a stronger stand to do the right thing by these young kids. I wanted to share this as I feel I have had an unwelcome witnessing to something that is more common then we allow ourselves to believe. These kids are part of a very high society group with parents that are very respectable and hold very good jobs. These are the kids that will be our architects, doctors, and Role models. These kids are the popular kids. I am not saying every party will be like this, but many parties are like this one with secret stashes of alcohol, drugs, and a desire to bring boys to a sexual frenzy. Beware and make sure you are talking to your kids about this. Half the kids there, looked so cute and sweet, they were polite.....but in the "school" they followed the leader and the leader had a lot of bad ideas. I only hope that each one made it home safely tonight.

I also didn't want this post to turn into a preaching session or a judgmental post. I only feel that the sex, drugs and alcohol problem has begun much sooner and with kids that are more vulnerable to be taken advantage of.

I am a worried mom hoping that the discreet victorian age will become the new fad of my kids generation (who are now 2 and 3). Could you imagine the teens saying to you "I wouldn't be caught dead in that half dress, I will only wear a full length dress with a chastity belt please." ...."and thank you" I can dream can't I?! *sigh*


Saturday, May 15, 2010

chocolate covered pretzel clusters

So since I figured out that I could make the chocolate covered strawberries easily and cheaply I have been wondering what else I could chocolate cover.......Hello!


So for mothers day the kids and I made chocolate half dipped pretzels ("half" so we would not get our fingers too messy). We placed them in the freezer to harden for about 10 minutes and then wrapped them up and delivered them to the neighborhood moms. They loved it. Since my family is 6000 miles from me I have turned my neighbors into my family away from home.

After that charming day of fun I looked over at the little bits of pretzels and wondered if I should throw it out.....then the light bulb went off (I know I didn't invent them....but for me this is rocket science) Why not toss those pretzel pieces in the bowl with the left over chocolate! so that is what I did. And Voila! Chocolate covered pretzel clusters!


EAT ONLY ONE! some for the rest of the neighbors.



1-2 cups of chocolate semi-sweet morsels
about 2 cups of pretzels pieces (the broken stuff) you can crush them "lightly"

melt chocolate chips in a bowl for about 30 second intervals for a total of 2-2.5 minutes. stir the chocolate at the intervals. Do not burn

Place pretzel pieces in a medium bowl and pour the melted chocolate over the pretzels stirring the chocolate evenly throughout the pretzels.

spoon the pretzel pieces into desired size clusters onto wax paper-on a cookie tray or plate. (use the wax paper it helps)

place the tray in the freezer for about 5-10 minutes for yummy harden-ness. Enjoy!


1.You can also drizzle white chocolate over the clusters to add a pretty and yummy options
You can melt the white chocolate chips in the same way as the semi-sweet and drizzle at any time. You could also use white chocolate to make the clusters and drizzle the semi-sweet!

2.while still melted sprinkle the clusters with "sprinkles" of any color

3.Add also nuts, m&ms, mini marshmallows (Another epiphany!-Chocolate covered marshmallow lollipops!.....with sprinkles!) Go Wild!

*Great for gifts during the holidays (use red and green sprinkles)
*Treats for kids parties

The best thing about this recipe is the kids can have all of the fun of making them and delivering them!......okay, who are we kidding, they'll probably eat them up. So monitor them closely. =)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Groupie to Kids Bands here!!!!

I am so excited! Today I met the band Kelsey Friday and The Rest of the Week! OMG! I feel like such a groupie. You'll never guess where I met them. I had a meeting with a facilitator for the Pittsburgh Public Schools Early Childhood Program and I was being shown one of their current sites. Today they had an In-Class Field Trip, which included the band playing their music and dancing with the 3-5 year olds. I feel as though my giddy as a school girl reactions towards New Kids on the Block has been renewed and directed to these fantastic Musicians. Can You Believe IT!!!!!!!! I made the facilitator take our pictures because I was having trouble focusing on the task of observing the structure of the program! Helllllloooooooo! I met Kelsey Friday and the Rest of the week!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Okay now that I am calm I will show you the pic:

Also, the band can be available for gigs by going to (they reside in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area) You can also buy their music on their website.....DO IT! It is totally worth it! For all the money spent on silly things like dolls and plastic throw aways....this is definitely worth the moolah! (only 12.97 on Cdbaby)

Fun Kid friendly music....I love love Kelsey Friday and The Rest of the Week
check them out here
Just press play to watch the video....super great music video for the kids!

Are you Scared? Join the Afraid Parade! from Kelsey Friday on Vimeo.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tumble Tower

I recently read a book to my two children called Tumble Tower. While I read this book I was humoured by the fact that the book teaches the polar opposite of what the girls at Motivation Station try to teach us and the skills I would like to have my own children pick up. Its cute and completely ridiculous.....Martha may kill me for saying this, but maybe we need clutter in our lives or at least need those who are clutter-bugs to make the world go round......thought I would share the quick and untidy thought....Martha, don't kill me! =) least the dirty ones make the clean ones look better, right!

p.s. Thanks Georgie: My 2 and 3 year old girls love me reading this to them, however I believe it could be enjoyed through 7 yr old girls (more so than boys).
They enjoyed the concept of a messy room as we deal with that often.
I feel the book is short enough for young kids to remain entertained while you read to them, and long enough that a 7 year old will enjoy reading it to themselves.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

hot malasadas-Easy at home version

Malasadas are a treat offered through out the Hawaiian island chain. They are Filipino style donuts. Don't let the ethnic connections scare you though because this is one of the easiest and tastiest desserts you will ever make.

First you will need:
some plain white bread, I use the 99 cent bread.
pancake batter, your own recipe or the store bought stuff.
pot to heat oil, unless you have a fryer at home(lucky you!)
sugar in separate bowl to dip finished Malasadas in.

Heat oil on stove to about medium heat let set till evenly heated
take plain white bread and cut into 4 pieces
place each piece of bread and dip into pancake batter than dip into hot oil
let fry in oil for about 30 sec or until a golden brown. DO NOT LET BURN.
Take out of oil and immediately dip both sides into the sugar.

Done! Yum!


Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii

Just wanted to say happy Lei Day! I was reminded of todays date and importance when perusing Pen and Paper who put all sorts of May Day History and origin on todays blog post. for me I will simply give you song:

Lyrics & Music: Leonard Hawk

clicking below you will have to watch on you tube, but it is worth it! Mahalo for visiting!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yum! Strawberry edition!

My friend Heather runs a webpage YUMPITTSBURGH through the Penn State University Systems "which strives to strengthen the local food infrastructure in Western Pa by connecting the supply and demand sides of our foodshed" In Antibloggedy speak this means she plays the dating game with farmers/growers and the people who sell the stuff! I am inspired by her site to go in search of some strawberry fields to pick and create some "YUM"-my chocolate covered strawberries:

I think that this would make one of the best gifts to bring to a cocktail party, or to give as a gift on a birthday or helloooooooo, Valentines day! Maybe even at the next bake sale for a charity at the local church or school! Sell um for a $.50-2.50 depending on the size and the cost as well as the clientele.

Heres the very easy recipe: cost ($2.00 for a dozen strawberries at grocery store/or Farm will probably be cheaper and more delicious) ($7.00 for a HUGE bag of choc chips at costco with probably enough to do about 144 strawberries (no joke). I would say 1 dozen strawberries dipped in chocolate is about $3.00 or less but looks like a million!

12 Strawberries Large or a few more small ones
1 cup semi-sweet morsels of chocolate chips
(or broken pieces of the semi-sweet bakers chocolate)
12 skewers (I have metal ones that are reusable- but you can get some olive pics or wooden ones for barbecuing- be creative depending on the event)

In some recipes there is a call to add shortening/milk and other stuff, but
honestly-why not keep this as simple as possible? Besides, this recipe is
super delicious without the other stuff.

Take your 12 strawberries and pick the skewers through the middle of the leafy end till through the strawberry up to the tip (do not have the skewer sticking out or someone might bite it!). place upside down in a tall glass or glass slightly shorter than the skewer. I used a 12 oz beer glass.

Melt the chocolate in a microwavable container at 1/2 power for 30 second increments for approx 2 minutes. You are stopping every 30 seconds to stir the chocolate and making sure you do not burn the chocolate. add more or subtract time to desired level of melt.

Take each strawberry skewer and dip the tip in the chocolate. Once dipped place back in the glass with the strawberry side up to let the chocolate harden. Let sit for about 20 minutes and you can remove from the skewers and place on a platter or you can leave on the skewer and place in the middle of a table to create a bouquet like arrangement.

You can also melt some white chocolate chips and drizzle over the berries for a fancier look and tasty option.

I might also add that you don't need to use a skewer, you can use your hands to dip each strawberry and place on a piece of wax paper. My only tiff with this way is that there is a "flat" side to the strawberry.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Mommy!

It is my mothers Umptheenth birthday! I hope you have the best Chinese food ever! Also, I hope you didn't forget to put a picture at the table of me in a frame.

Love you Mom!

Hau'oli Lahanau!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My First Kiss

I have always been a bit of a realistic and practical person. I don't take too many chances, but I let life go where it leads me. I like to plan ahead but change is not impossible or something I frown upon, I just need to "reassess" the plan and calculate the outcome

.....except when a challenge is presented.

I can't stand it when someone tells me "it can't be done" or "you can't do that" or beware of the "your such a party pooper". That last line was the words spoken to me from my bff at the age of 18. (yes 18, I held on for a reason, read on). I was at her house and she wanted to go out "cruising" for guys. I thought that was so LAME but then she said it: "YOU ARE SUCH A PARTY POOPER!"

So we got in my mothers Honda civic and I drove us into Waikiki. we went around the block once, and I saw a beautiful man on a mountain bike. He rode past close enough and smiled. His eyes were bright and beautifully colored blueish green....Mesmerized, I honked the horn(something I never do), and laughed toward my friend. I kept driving. Stopped at a light, and requesting to go home from sheer ridiculousness of the task of driving in circles, a mans arm grabbed onto the side of my window and leaned up to the car with that captivating smile and beautiful eyes. He said "hi" and had a sort of "smirky-confidence" about him. He asked my name and my friend tried to answer and he said "I was talking to your friend." This I might add only guaranteed my affection as she had never been "dissed" by a guy so quickly. (that, and I am ubber competitive...ask rambler)He asked me to meet him and his friend for dinner and I said yes. My friend decided to walk with me to meet him and his friend but decided not to stay. The guys name was Jake. Jake and I decided to go walking along the beach, he holding onto his bike. He had an idea and wanted me to jump on his handle bars and drive me around to "sight-see" it was a Friday night. Imagine that this guy was 6 ft 4? and I 5'9 1/2. Bikes should not have 2 tall people on a bike. Jake drove me around Waikiki and we just had a blast. we ended on the end of "Walls" which was a wall that jutted out in Waikiki into the ocean.

At the time there was no pagoda at the end of it, but they have since renovated and it is no longer the same. We stood together at the end of the wall and for the first time I looked up at someone so much taller than I and we kissed. The fireworks that blast in Waikiki on Friday nights went off at that moment (literally!) and the moon was full on a clear night sending that reflective light across the waves in front of us. If I could have dreamed a more perfect first kiss, it would not have stood a chance against the real thing.

Jake and I enjoyed the week together on fun little dates to the beach or to the movies and then it ended as he was in Hawaii for a short time and was returning to California. All these years I kept this memory close and always wondered, "What ever happened to Jake?". Last night I decided to look him up on the all know you do that with peeps from the past, it wasn't to contact him or anything like that. It was out of pure curiosity. This person was a major memory of my past....a really good memory. Anyhow I saw he became a really big deal in the Mountain Biking world, Top of the world leader in his field and apparently was already a big deal when we met.

Jake died in 1999. He died in a tragic mountain bike accident in California. It is all so crazy to me that this happened. And I found myself shedding a tear. I was so proud of all he accomplished and saw through a website his family had for him that he died doing what he loved. I saw that he had become a firefighter, had lots of friends and a large loving family. That is probably one of the most surreal experience to have, looking someone up and finding out they have been gone for a long time....

I will always have this memory of my first kiss.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Game Night

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

I Won. Points 298.

C, Bring it on!

K (2 wins)
C(0 wins) hahahaha!

I can't keep myself wordless!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

snow days

I have been blessed with the oppurtunity to experience some record setting snowfall. In one night we recieved 21 inches or more!

I have had some fun with it as I sort of let my neighbors know I "like" shoveling......I should say now I "liked" shoveling. After 3 days of trying and on the final day, 3 total hours of shoveling, salting, melting ice surrounding my vehicle, I was able to free it from the clutches of my driveway. Ouch to the back and my arms. I am getting tons of exercise though.
The snowfall stopped for a few days, and then yesterday the heavy snow began again. They are predicting 10-18 inches more in many parts of pittsburgh. They still haven't cleared up the snow from friday-Sunday. Loads are without power (sucks, cause no power means no furnace to heat the house!) pipes are freezing and cable/internet is going out. I only lost cable and internet for friday-sunday when it came on shortly before the superbowl.
I still had 4 vehicles that I helped push down the street as they got stuck in front of my house. The city has sold out on snow shovels and many grocery stores are without milk, and meat products as well as major shopping supplies. I went to the store on tuesday after the 3 hour shoveling ordeal and they were packed with survival mode peeps. I had gone shopping on friday and HAD to go to get diapers for my little one. My neighbors and I shared what we had left till we could make it to the store. Never again!
this is my street "after" they plowed it......The firetruck couldn't make it to the house fire down the street because of the snow caused by a fireplace fire that was made in a non-fireplace ready fire place. they had no power! State of Emergency placed on our county.
punxsutawney phil says we get 6 more weeks to deal with. Damn ginney pig! (just kidding, I know its a gopher).............(groundhog)

I have some sewing projects to finish, but need supplies to complete the tasks....not possible with the roads as they are. so I can't complete them. Start a bunch....not finished. wish me luck!