First, I would like to apologize for Pre-posting this 100 Blog post a few days early...=) I didn't even realize it had accidentally posted or when. I pre-set the post date for today(Sunday). There were a couple of changes. One is the 100 Blog Club Button, which when on a side bar, you can actually read the words. The other is the Blog button and linking info is up on the right sidebar. If you visited and commented before today(Sunday), you are still entered to the winning of the blanket. For those of you who did the mention and the comments, I will come to your pages and let you know I made a boo-boo with the preposting.....so embarrassed....but that shows you I am only human, right?! =) Well with that in mind, I am totally psyched to have some bloggy fun today! Good Luck in winning the Heart Shaped Blanky. We had a busy week in my house with a "Big" Renovation on the 2nd Floor Bathroom, which means I was pre-occupied and didn't mail things I should have to my winners of the Blanket Drive(I am sorry, I promise promise they are going out this week!). This coming week is going to be exciting!
My 100th Post:
What sort of exciting things will be happening today?
Why a giveaway, of course!
I am giving away a Blanket!
It has lots of Green in the spirit of St. Patricks Day which is coming up pretty quick.
You may recognize this gem from my Oragami Post on Thursday afternoon.
I made this on Thursday when I got home from work just for the 100th post, aren't you special!
I have to warn you, Its far from perfect, but a girl has got to practice on her projects, and you are my lucky guinea pigs!
You like?
What do you have to do to get an entry?
Leave me a comment,
If you leave me a comment and are also a follower, you get two extra entries!
If you link me in your posts within the next 3 days of this being put up, you will receive an extra two entries...........(leave me a comment to let me know you did this)
If you attach my bloggy 100 post button to your blog (if you have made 100 or more posts) than you recieve an extra entry for being a part of The 100 Blog Club. (let me know in a comment)
Yippey! I will tell you what I have learned about blogging in another long, boring, totally un-cool post. But today is for giveaway and celebration, so Yeah!!!!!!!
Thank yous: Many thanks go out to my followers who make it worth coming back everyday to bloggy land. I truly feel welcome here. Also, thank you to my sis, the Rambler for introducing this to me, in doing so, you have brought us closer together and created a foundation for the rest of our lives! All the blogs I follow, I have felt as much emotion reading your blogs as I have lived in the "real" world. I look forward to many more years of posting and making new friends and readers! Heres to the next 100 posts!
Congrats to Mrs. JananaBee for her 200th post....show off! She is having a giveaway also, so check her out! I mean, don't check her out, because I want to win the mix CD!=)
much aloha,
What sort of exciting things will be happening today?
Why a giveaway, of course!
I am giving away a Blanket!
It has lots of Green in the spirit of St. Patricks Day which is coming up pretty quick.
You may recognize this gem from my Oragami Post on Thursday afternoon.
I made this on Thursday when I got home from work just for the 100th post, aren't you special!
I have to warn you, Its far from perfect, but a girl has got to practice on her projects, and you are my lucky guinea pigs!
What do you have to do to get an entry?
Leave me a comment,
If you leave me a comment and are also a follower, you get two extra entries!
If you link me in your posts within the next 3 days of this being put up, you will receive an extra two entries...........(leave me a comment to let me know you did this)
If you attach my bloggy 100 post button to your blog (if you have made 100 or more posts) than you recieve an extra entry for being a part of The 100 Blog Club. (let me know in a comment)
Yippey! I will tell you what I have learned about blogging in another long, boring, totally un-cool post. But today is for giveaway and celebration, so Yeah!!!!!!!
Thank yous: Many thanks go out to my followers who make it worth coming back everyday to bloggy land. I truly feel welcome here. Also, thank you to my sis, the Rambler for introducing this to me, in doing so, you have brought us closer together and created a foundation for the rest of our lives! All the blogs I follow, I have felt as much emotion reading your blogs as I have lived in the "real" world. I look forward to many more years of posting and making new friends and readers! Heres to the next 100 posts!
Congrats to Mrs. JananaBee for her 200th post....show off! She is having a giveaway also, so check her out! I mean, don't check her out, because I want to win the mix CD!=)
much aloha,
That is a SUPER cute blanket too!
I want to win! I want to win!
P.S. I am a follower...I have been following you in my google reader. But I did as instructed (which is unusual) and made it official by clicking on your follow gadget!
Congrats on making it to 100!!!
Count me in, I LOVE BLANKETS!! And especially hand made... I'm a follower, Do I need a separate comment from that. Congrats on 100....I can't qualify for the 100 club *yet*
Am I allowed to enter since I already won one? If so count me in! Beautiful blanket! Also going to put button up!
YAY!!! Congrats on your 100th post! GO YOU!
Dropping by from the Rambler :)
What a super adorable blanket. Count me in, please.
congrats sister!!!
I am more than half way to 199 posts myself. Does this meant that I have to come up with some sort of giveaway when I do reach the milestone? ;)
Nah, I just like reading your blog, although I am often too busy to comment.
Keep it up :)
Me likie the blankie. Congrats on your 100th post, your sister sent me. And no, Janna Bee, you cannot win again...that blanket is mine!..lol.
Yeah for 100 posts!!!!! Coming to you from your sis! I hit 100 this week too!
This blanket is adorable! Congrats on your 100th post. (I just became a follower of your blog!)
Oooh, so beautiful. I will grab your button and Thank you so much!
kalei...congrats on your post #100!!!
Poppin' in from Rambler's place to say Congrats on your 100th! May you have at least 1000 more.
Congrats to your 100th post. You are SO generous. Congratulations again! More powers to your blog. :D
Yay for the big 100! Keep on keepin' on...blogging that is.
Congrats on your 100th post!
And that blanket looks fabulous!
:^) Anna
Yep, P-I-G is the same concept as H-O-R-S-E...I guess it's for crazee families, that can't keep up with what letter they're on, so they stick to 3 letter words. LOL! :-)
congrats on your 100th post!
Congrats on your 100th post!
Someday I hope to be that old....er...old enough to have posted that much. ;)
Congrats again on 100!
I stole your button and it is hanging on my blog! I just reached 300 posts! I think I can say I am part of the club..right!?
Congrats on your 1-0-0!! I just had my 100th a few weeks ago too. I am also going to post your symbol on my blog. Lots of entries for me?!
Just stopped by to say hi, didn't know you had a giveaway going on. Conrats on you 100 post. Great blanket.
WOOOOO HOOOOO! Congratulations on your 100th post!
That is one beautiful blanket, Kalei. I'm not sure I could give that away if I was you. But that being said, I would love to win it! :)
I am a follower. :) :) :)
Congrats on 100 posts! That is quite an accomplishment! I am totally trying to win the blanket, can you tell!?!? ;o)
This is a ditty written especially for you
Because I love to read about the things that you do
Your funny, witty, and you sport a giving heart
You even admit to the occasional bedtime fart
You make us laugh - remind us we're blessed
You touch so many - spanning from east to west
I celebrate this milestone - but already my soul knows
There are at least 100 more to come - and I'll need more prose.
Woohoo! Congrats! I'll be adding your 100 Posts button.
I'm now a follower. =)
Too cute.
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