I am still hosting my 100 Blog Club Giveaway and Celebration! you can win a blanket, and a few other surprizes! just give me a comment on the original Post....Here.
In the mean time, check out some other places to win some fun stuff like Kidz:

Today is the last day of the kick-off party and opportunities to win the grand prizes! (Don't go there for goodness sake, or you will make it hard for me to win the $200 G.C for Target.....Do Not go there! (a little not me Monday for you!)For info about the giveaways and how TO ENTER TO WIN, GO ----> HERE. Because trust me, you do not want to miss the chance to win a $200 TARGET GIFT CARD! If this is your first time visiting kidz, click here for the scoop.
Check out Kidz Connection. Tara rocks a pretty awesome blog and has a pretty awesome family.....right NANA. Tara does this while having some great giveaways taking care of a beautiful daughter Chloe with special needs. Have some questions, just ask her, she is honest and offers some great advice. While there check out her sidebar, she has some great button links to some great charities, organizations and all around awesome blogs I think she has some "other" clickable icons on that bar that might give her some $love so help a girl out! Her Mom-in-law NANA gives a lot of great recipes on her blog.....yummmmm chiliiiiiii......yummy , and she also likes to share some Doris Day and other great music while stopping by.
as always,
Your Welcome (thanks too)
Antibloggedy....by the way, if you win the $200, I am totally coming after you!
Thanks for spreading the word. Good luck on winning! =)
That is so funny! The part about going after the winner that is.
Imagine my surprise to see such a great shout out!!!
Thank You!
I wish everyone could just see Kidz because Tara does such a great job and I appreciate you putting out the word.
I have to get the new button code for 100th post, Thank you!
Thank you also for your sweet comment today, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad the Van Dyke poem gave some comfort.
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