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Sunday, April 12, 2009

How curiosity killed my nostrils.

How curiosity killed my nostrils.
One day a mother was cleaning her house. She went up
and down stairs. Picking up the dirty clothes, the toys
and the what-nots. She had picked up everything
in her sight and was excited to finalize the cleaning
with a little sit down.
in the corner of the room sat a lone pair of blue fleece
pants. Pants she has not seen in weeks. "I don't remember
putting those pants there" They are right next to the clean clothes
bin....but the have that "I just pulled them off my bumm" look to them.


Oh sweet mother of G! wholey canoli!

That pungeant order tells the tale
of the little one that wore it.

so here is the question I ask you:
Why the heck do us mothers feel the need to "see" if the item is dirty, I mean,
It wouldn't hurt me to just toss it into the pile of soon to be washed....

I assure you, I have NOT learned my lesson.

Happy Easter.


Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I have finally learned my lesson. Happy Easter!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Oh, that's funny! I'm speechless!

Unknown said...

Have I ever told you I found a big poop in the hamper? I think my son tried to hide it in there. I totally feel your pain.

Queenie Jeannie said...


We've alllll so "been there, done that". I don't know why. Probably for the same reason we cup our hands when our kids puke. Instinct.....but weird.

For the Spirit Jumps....there is so much hurry up and wait with hospitals, so things that will keep attention for kids, and yet be portable are great. Magnetized games, puzzles, hand held games, drawing items, etc. So glad you are helping out too!!!

The Rambler said...


Why do we do this? I'll never understand.

Missed you guys at Easter.