Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
SPACE Tourism.....2015? I see the future!

From NYT:
Boeing said Wednesday that it was entering the space tourism business, an announcement that could bolster the Obama administration’s efforts to transform the National Aeronautics and Space Administration into an agency that focuses less on building rockets and more on nurturing a commercial space industry.
The flights, which could begin as early as 2015, would most likely launch from Cape Canaveral in Florida to the International Space Station. The Obama administration has proposed turning over to private companies the business of taking NASA astronauts to orbit, and Boeing and Bigelow Aerospace of Las Vegas won an $18 million contract this year for preliminary development and testing of a capsule that could carry seven passengers.
Current NASA plans call for four space station crew members to go up at a time, which would leave up to three seats available for space tourists. The flights would be the first to give nonprofessional astronauts the chance to go into orbit aboard a spacecraft launched from the United States. Seven earlier space tourists have made visits to the space station, riding in Russian Soyuz capsules.
“We’re ready now to start talking to prospective customers,” said Eric C. Anderson, co-founder and chairman of Space Adventures, the space tourism company based in Virginia that would market the seats for the full article here.
I cannot believe my eyes. I am so glad to finally read about Progress in Space and Aeronautics. When I was very young and living in the Big Island, HAWAII I remember my fascination in Space and the stars that sparkled in it. I would sit on my driveway at night looking to the sky and waiting to see a falling star or trying to catch a cloud. In a world where I talk so much about nonsense and chatter away, when I look to the sky, it is the only thing I know that silences me. I can stare at it for hours without a thought, just taking it all in.
The Challenger flight that took the lives of Michael Smith, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Christa McAuliffe, Gregory Jarvis, and Judith Resnik was devastating. I was in elementary school and remember how sad we all were. The Astronaut Ellison Onizuka was from Hawaii and his nephew Lonn Onizuka was a student in my class.
With this new announcement, I find myself viewing a future that is promising to my children. I see the awe in the sky and dreams my children will see in science and astronomy. I have seen the space program become less important to those that hand out the $$$$ and have seen where we could have been, but couldn't without the right funding. So Congratulations to the future that will allow more dreams of space exploration become reality!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I am inclined to say something....
Here it is....
It is hard for me to say out loud the words, "I am proud to be an american"....even though I am really proud to be an American. I am glad my children were born in this great country, although they have lived only with this war going on longer than they have been alive.
I am saddened by the misdirection of hate, the strong belief that the 5 "known" attackers on the twin towers, the pentagon and the flights that carried out the master plan somehow represent the entire nation of the religion they have faith in.
I KNOW that every religion has it's extremist followers that will do ANYTHING to prove their faith, that when they are guided to believe an evil deed will deliver them grand rewards.......does not mean that all followers are of that same guidance.
The hatred directed at the Muslim Religion and it's Mosques, puts us on the path of those same extremists that carried out the terrible plan in 2001.
I wish that on this day we remember that all those beautiful people who have given themselves on a day they did not expect will represent not the war that followed their end, but that they represent the begining of the time of peace between many people of all sorts. That we remember that this country has come to be as great as it is through tolerance, INclusion, acceptance and faith of all sorts.
I hope I do not offend any of you with my words. I just wanted to get this off my chest.
By the way, I am adding a link to my new blog which is children's book readings. I needed to test the link so I am doing it here.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Book Reading Video by Me for my little ones!
Friday, September 3, 2010
First Day at School

Today was Kai's very first day of school(Preschool), actually she is still there as I write this. As they say, it is much more difficult for the parents than it is for the child.
The walk to school was great as Kai got to meet the Lovely Ms. F who is her crossing guard from E street and A Ave. Next we walked into the doorway of the school and she got to say hello to all the other children as well as have some picture time with mama, papa, and little Vi. When Kai saw her Assistant Teacher, Ms. B she was excited and said "I get to eat here!".....yes, she is my child. (We told her how the school would feed her breakfast and Lunch.) Off to class at 8:15 and we got to see her Locker with her name on it (It is a big locker for such small children, I have no idea what we will put in it.) Entering the classroom we put her pillow and blanket into her cubby for the resting time they will have daily. Next Kai went over to the carpet to meet her teacher, Mrs. W who sent kai to get a book and wait for circle time. This is when Kai let Mrs. W know about the rules and how she remembered them. "1. Crisscross Applesauce 2. Hands on Knees 3. Eyes on Teacher." I had to hold back the tears as I slowly backed out of the class.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
3 poems
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